Each month, we highlight two employees who have not yet been fully sponsored. When one of our employees is receives a full sponsorship, it means a generous donor or group of donors has agreed to make monthly donations in her honor. A sponsorship can be in any amount and it takes $150 per month to fully sponsor one woman. You can read more about sponsorship levels by clicking here. While the levels are set amounts, you may make a monthly donation of any amount and we will combine yours with others to create a full sponsorship for one woman.
When the needs of an employee are covered by a donor, it frees up funds used by the organization for other needs of the ministry.
We are excited to introduce you to this month’s featured employees.
Please welcome Ange and Ruth!
“I want to learn to sew and have my own sewing shop. I hope to go back to school and finish my education.”
Ange gave birth to her only child while she was in secondary school. When her father learned of her pregnancy, he refused to pay her school fees and Ange was forced to drop out. Ange could not find steady work and struggled to provide for her child.
Since joining Handspun Hope, Ange says she can see her life changing. She now has the ability to pay for food and, when needed, medication. She is building her savings and planning for her future.
Ange is currently unsponsored
“I treasure peace and praying and visiting with friends. I dream of owning my own land and hope to create my business.”
Ruth joined Handspun Hope in April 2012. Ruth was born in 1986 and lost her husband in 2011 to tetanus. During their seven year marriage they had two boys. Before working for Handspun Hope, Ruth would borrow money to buy bananas. She would then sell the bananas and split the profits.
Today, Ruth is very grateful for her work at Handspun Hope.
Ruth needs $50/month to be fully sponsored
When you choose to support a woman - through a full or partial sponsorship - you are directly impacting her life and that of her family. And, if you are offering a partial sponsorship, we want you to know that your donation will be joined with that of others … creating a full sponsorship.
What a beautiful way to serve as the hands and feet of Christ -
working in community to support someone ….
even if that someone is 8,000 miles away.
That’s the thing about God’s love …
there is no place too far, no distance too great.
Cheers to working together for God’s glory!