When our ministry began, it was created with the words of the fifteenth chapter of the book of John in mind. In fact, we liked it so much and believed in it so fully that we named the ministry after it – True Vineyard Ministries. In this chapter, Jesus tells us that he is the true vine and God, the gardener…removing fruitless branches and pruning the fruitful in order to increase their production.
The wisdom in this chapter has served us so well over the years as we, too, worked to hone our production, to remove that which was not producing fruit for the Kingdom and to focus our efforts on that which was most glorifying to God.
…we have some new and exciting changes happening within the ministry – beginning with a name change. As many of you know, Handspun Hope is our initiative in Rwanda. We employ 123 at-risk women as they work to break the poverty cycle and overcome trauma. When we began as True Vineyard Ministries, we had no idea that Handspun Hope would become such a powerful movement.
What began with the employment of ten women has become the number one employer of women in the Musanze District of Rwanda. We are changing lives beyond on own facility through the Lay Trauma Counselor training program we offer. We are partnering with other local schools and cooperatives to provide employment for young deaf women. The ministry has grown beyond our wildest expectations…ours, but not God’s. As we’ve grown, God has been there – guiding, pruning, directing. And, over the past year, it has become clear that God is directing us onto a path where Handspun Hope has become our primary focus and vehicle for change.
…we believe it is important to follow God’s direction and will be changing our name from True Vineyard Ministries to Handspun Hope because it is what God has called us to do: offer hope to the hopeless and transform God’s beloved from the inside out. So…as we transition, as we are pruned in a new direction, we want to honor this important chapter in the book of John and give thanks for this parable. Handspun Hope would not exist without it.
As we move forward as Handspun Hope, we will also be changing other aspects of the ministry. Vineyard Marketplace will, for the most part, transition to an online store called Hope Artisan Collective, where we will offer a more curated selection of handcrafted items and apparel. There will continue to be opportunities to shop the collection through appointments and special events. As always, the sales of items in this collective will support African artisans and their families and all proceeds will help fund the work of Handspun Hope in Rwanda.
We firmly believe God’s hand is over every aspect of this transition and we are grateful for your support as we work to honor this season of pruning, redirection and growth. Follow us on social media to keep up with all of the exciting changes over the next few months and, get ready – God is making big things happen and we’re so glad you’re coming with us. You’ve come so far with us already. Remember, our roots began with ten women…ten.
We want you to see what your support, your faithful tending of this ministry has created. Because you…you…are an integral, beautiful part of this growth.
To God goes the glory…and to you, our faithful supporters, goes our unending gratitude. What beautiful, beautiful fruit.