This month, we are continuing our sponsorship features. Both of the talented artisans you’ll meet below are partially sponsored. When one of our employees is fully sponsored, it means a generous donor or group of donors has agreed to make monthly donations in her honor. A sponsorship can be in any amount and it takes $150 fully sponsors one woman. You can read more about sponsorship levels by clicking here. While the levels are set amounts, you may make a monthly donation of any amount and we will combine them to create full sponsorship for one woman.
It’s a beautiful way to support women who are working so hard to shatter the poverty cycle - for themselves and their children.
We’d like to introduce you to two more wonderful women employed with Handspun Hope.
Meet Marguerite and Francine.
“I am most comfortable when I pray and worship God. I dream of having running water in my home.”
~ Marguerite
Marguerite was born in 1962 and has two biological children. Before coming to work for Handspun Hope her life was very difficult. Her husband died in 1994 from an unknown illness while they were refugees in Congo. They had no home and were very poor. As a poverty-stricken widow, Marguerite faced harassment from her family because of her inability to care for her children. Before coming to Handspun Hope, she survived by working for others hauling sacks of potatoes or hoeing fields. She joined Handspun Hope in July 2012 and was then able to buy a goat, food and clothes. She joined the savings cooperative and was able to save enough to have electricity installed in her home. Needs $100 to be fully sponsored

“I hope my children continue to receive their education. I dream of having water and plumbing in my home.”
~ Francine
Francine was born into an abusive family. Her father routinely beat her mother. Francine married at the age of 19 in order to escape her father’s abuse. For a while, life was good for Francine and her husband. They opened and ran their own business. Sadly, thieves broke into the business and robbed them. Her husband was kidnapped and, although he was able to escape, returned profoundly disabled and unable to work. Francine was hired by Handspun Hope in September of 2018. She loves her work because she learned to knit when she was 13 years old. She is grateful that she can now provide for her children and make repairs to her home without waiting for someone else to help her.
Needs $100 to be fully sponsored
Remember, you don’t have to provide the full $100 each of these ladies need to be fully sponsored. We regularly combine smaller monthly contributions to cover one woman’s sponsorship. We also have groups who contribute collectively - Sunday school classes, small groups, book clubs, knitting circles. It’s a wonderful way to join in community with others, having a singular purpose: to offer hope, to lift up someone you may likely never meet, to support a woman working so hard to change the future for her children.
If you have any questions about sponsorship, you can always email us at
God is moving in Rwanda. We invite you to be a part of it.
We are grateful for your support,